9 Steps to Smash your Interview

Let’s face it nobody particularly enjoys an interview. The prospect of having to convince someone else that you are right for a job – even if you already know you’re the best candidate for them – just doesn’t appeal to most people.

And with studies showing that 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone, the pressure to make the right impression can be exponential.

However, in today’s modern society, people should look forward to interviewing because the balance of power has shifted away from employers and towards candidates. As a result, interviewing is no longer a necessary evil that you have to endure in order to advance your career.


See your next interview as a form of networking in which you are given the opportunity to meet potential businesses who need access to the key skills that you possess, as they continue to invest in digital transformation.

High demand

Working in an industry where there is an exceptionally high demand for your skills and a low number of individuals who possess them, you are more likely than not going to find yourself interviewing on a regular basis. But the question still remains: even when you are in high demand, how do you ensure that you always get the job that you want?

Smash the interview

The answer is pretty simple: smash your interviews. Luckily, there are some key things you can do to help you prepare and do just this. In fact; there are 9 things you can do.

In our recent guide we go over the key steps to start practicing before, during and after an interview. From what to research and where to find the best preparation information, to the little things like how to fill your time before you arrive for the interview and what to do afterwards.

Read our guide 9 Steps to Smash your Interview to learn the best tricks of the trade and ensure you always land the job that you really want.

If you are looking for your next dream role in tech, get in touch with our specialist consultants today!

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